Physiotherapy Specific To Parkinson's Disease
I write from first hand
experience and my understanding according to my personal situation,
following an almost sleepless night; Due to the onslaught of
extensive muscle cramping and clamp down within the Back, with
additional spasms, involuntary pulsations and painful discomfort
extending into the limbs (now including my left-hand side) which
in-turn has affected my posture, gait and general mobility.
Since trying to find a
new Masseur Kinésithérapeute (following the retirement of the
therapeutic experienced and expert hands that have looked after me
over the last nine years) has initially turned out to be a very
painful ordeal; and being the second time round that I have had 'bad
experience at new hands' it really makes me wonder upon the levels in
shared knowledge and understanding within this field in relation to
Parkinson's Disease.
There has to be a
simple reason as to why some Clinics have failed to work wonders,
while others have not only alleviated my specific problems but also
extended muscular vitality and general mobility; even to the point
where a recommendation towards surgery and the need to wear a Back
support on a daily basis has in the past been overcome.
In short, being set a
series of exercises without any initial hands on examination and
assessment into the physical condition of the individual back
muscles, has not only exasperated but extended the problems
associated with the muscle tissues prone to and already under
unprecedented tension with the inherent cramping that is noticeably
specific to my condition in Parkinson's Disease, and the physical
permanent injury to the spine; that in combination, act upon the
Sciatic nerves, subsequent posture, causing pains in the lower-back,
across the upper pelvis and into the right hip, etc.
By way in analogy; A
football player, having to take all the penalty shots with an injured
ankle will suffer progressing agony; no doubt extending the size of
his injury (while increasing the time necessary to attain any measure
in healing comfort) the more shots he takes in that effort to win the
grand final game; The affected areas increase as the measure of
discomfort grows.
With Parkinson's
Disease the fact of the matter is that some of the muscles are and or
will become physically damaged; There is Injury! Injury that needs
and requires full attention in therapeutic treatment first, before
any kick-off!
Each and every muscle
requires a good measure in equability and sufficient muscle tone to
enable a smooth comfortable and balanced functioning that combine in
providing good health and mobility.
The old saying “Rub
it better” rings very true; For gentle massage appears to be the
only thing that really revitalises and improves the circulation
within the muscle tissues towards achieving optimum muscle tone prior
to any useful exercise.
In my experience the
action of massage is like a gentle warm up session; while applied
heat treatments and or transcutaneous
electrical nerve stimulation
(TENS) most certainly do not dislodge or shift
any unwanted matter that has built up as a result of the contraction
and tensions. In fact, to my knowledge, there are no short cuts that
With Parkinson's
Disease, it is very much a hands on aspect before you start any
stretching and or exercise; And if you cannot massage an area
yourself to attain a good or balanced muscle tone then be kind to
yourself and insist that the individual points of imbalance are
addressed first, before you take the dog for its walk or stand at the
sink to wash the dishes
I am just so upset. Having gone from being supple enough to climb ladders and carry out easy tasks ; To shuffling around lie a duck with painful immobility in a matter of a few hours!!
That upset to say that, some of the physiotherapsts I have seen need to retrain!
I am just so upset. Having gone from being supple enough to climb ladders and carry out easy tasks ; To shuffling around lie a duck with painful immobility in a matter of a few hours!!
That upset to say that, some of the physiotherapsts I have seen need to retrain!
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